Hairspray Tickets
Tennessee Performing Arts Center - Andrew Jackson Hall | Nashville, Tennessee

What better way to spend your Wednesday 12th June 2024 than tapping to the music and watching the mishaps that unfold in Hairspray?... NOTHING! You can buy your seats now and be at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center to experience the Tony award winning show that has had audiences grooving and singing along to the tale of teenager Tracy Turnblad. The Tennessee Performing Arts Center is the best site to enjoy Hairspray, as it has high quality equipment that enhances the effect of the musical and is in a key location in the town, with local places to visit and places to stay, to guarantee your night out is an amazing time. Seats are limited and in high demand, so guarantee you have yours for the grooviest musical and book now! You will have a great time with Hairspray, so be at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center on Wednesday 12th June 2024.
Fat, unconventional Tracy Turnblad lives in 1962 Baltimore, Maryland, and desires to perform on "The Corny Collins Show." She learns some of the black students' choreography while serving detention with them and eventually makes it onto Corny's show. Tracy's immediate success gives her a system to endorse for racial equality in the media. Tracy is repeatedly harassed and bullied by Velma, the network producer, and Amber, her popular but nasty daughter. With the help of teen heartthrob Link, host Corny Collins, and Motormouth Maybelle (who hosts "Negro Day" on Corny's show), Tracy fruitfully integrates "The Corny Collins Show." In addition to its humorous and telegenic performances, the upbeat message it conveys about accepting one's unique self and moving forward is a big reason why Hairspray, which won the Tony Award for Best Musical, is still one of the most frequently staged plays today. In spite of minor differences, such as skin color, the uplifting and encouraging story of Tracy Turnblad calls us to fight for the rights of all people. This is why Hairspray is a must see for everyone! Nothing will make you happier than attending the Tennessee Performing Arts Center on Wednesday 12th June 2024.